
Resources to Advance Your Test and Measurement Capabilities

Data Physics offers training packages to suit your needs. Lectures and hands-on classes at Data Physics locations, on-site training, and web-based training are offered for all Data Physics products. All courses, whether at Data Physics or the user’s site, are kept small enough to foster communication between students and instructors.

Dynamic Signal Analyzer Training

Students will learn how to set up and use their Data Physics analyzer effectively for noise and vibration measurements. Emphasis will be placed on :

  • Understanding basic signal processing in order for the student to recognize measurement problems and interpret results
  • Using shakers and impact hammers for Frequency Response Measurements

The course is presented in two parts. Part I emphasizes the standard features of all the analyzers and comprises the first three days of the course week. Part II covers all the various add-on options available for the analyzers and is covered the last two days of the week. Students may register for Part I, Part II, or both.

Abacus 901 Vibration Controller
Vibration Controllers from Data Physics

Vibration Controller Training

Students will learn how to effectively set up and use their Data Physics Controller for various types of testing requirements. Emphasis will be placed on :

  • Understanding basic vibration control techniques for product testing and analysis that will allow operators to quickly diagnose and tune test parameters.
  • The preparation and production of test documentation.

The course is presented in two parts, Part I and Part II. Part I covers vibration fundamentals that are required to effectively use the controller. Part II focuses on vibration control and the various test types used for product testing. Students may register for Parts I and II or Part II.

Contact Us For More Information

3100 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 101, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA
TEL: 408-437-0100  FAX: 408-456-0100