Data Physics oldest controller upgrade contest

The Oldest Digital Vibration Controller Contest

How old did you say your vibration controller is?

Is your current vibration controller often referred to as “vintage” or “long in the tooth”?

Are you concerned it may be on its last legs?

We understand that with today’s ever-tightening budgets, it can be difficult to justify the cost of an upgrade. With that in mind, we’ve come up with a way to help move you out of the old and into the new.

The Oldest Digital Vibration Controller Contest

If you think your controller is something you’d expect to see in a museum – tell us about it! Be sure to include the make, model, & S/N and you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a new Data Physics 901 Series Controller – fully loaded with software!

The entrant with the oldest digital controller wins!

Just for entering, we’ll offer you a substantial trade-in discount for your old controller towards any Data Physics 900 Series Controller!

Contest Details:

Your old digital controller must be operational and can be of any brand name.

The first prize is a Data Physics 901 Controller – fully-loaded with the following software:

• Random Vibration Control
• Sine Vibration Control
• Shock Vibration Control
• SRS Synthesis Control
• Mixed Mode Control (Sine on Random, Random on Random)
• Sine Resonance Search and Dwell Control

Entries must be received before June 15, 2020.