Data Physics Coffee Break Webinars

Webinar Video: Setting Up an Auto Power Spectrum (APS) Test

Setting Up an Auto Power Spectrum (APS) Test

Friday, October 8th    10:00 – 10:30 AM PST / 1:00 – 1:30 PM EST

Data Physics is pleased to present this free webinar – specifically directed to those looking to expand their understanding of the features and functionality of the SignalCalc 900 Series Analyzer/Controller.

Webinar Agenda

• Inputting test parameters

• Setting up the trigger

• Setting up the saves

Webinar has concluded.  Watch the recording:

Introducing the Coffee Break Webinar Series:
A potent brew of “how-to” for vibration testing professionals.

How do I run a single-shaker sine test? How do I set up a modal shaker test? What about running a single shaker SRS test? 

Inquiring minds want to know, so we’ve decided to host a new series of short, 5-to-10-minute webinar demos designed to provide answers to many of today’s common vibration testing questions.

Each demo will be followed by a Q&A session and later available in our video library.